In Your Face

In Your Face
Thought provoking opinions on topical issues.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Heaven Preserve Us!

Heaven (if you believe in such things) preserve us from the possibility of Tony Blair (ex PM and current leader of the "Faith Foundation") from become president of the EU!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Linked In April Fool

It seems that today (1st April) Linked In, the business networking site, has gained a sudden influx of famous (yet dead) new members eg:

-Groucho Marx
-Robin Hood etc

Clearly an April Fool joke, but the question is "in house" or external prankster?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

A Waste of Space

Baroness Ashton is to spend £8.5 million polishing the image of her new EU diplomatic service despite having four spin doctors of her own and the free use of the European Commission's 1,000-strong communications staff.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Criminal Waste

The reputations of the MOD, and the previous Labour administration, have plumbed new depths as it has been revealed that MOD contracts set up under Labour have resulted in light bulbs (worth 65p) being bought for £22 each and screws worth £2.60 being bought for £103.

This comes at a time when the MOD faces significant and damaging cuts in its budget and operational capabilities.

Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, has publicly claimed to be very angry. However will anyone actually be sacked for this?

Don't hold your breath!